Words to Live By

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney

Photo Session Giveaway

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May Reading Strategy-Visualizing

May Reading Strategy
Students create mind pictures and visualizations when they read. Good readers will take those pictures and visualizations and use them to better comprehend text.  Albert Einstein once said, “If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” As the reader creates pictures in their mind of what they are reading, other senses will become involved. This will enhance their connections with and comprehension of the text.
How to help your child use this strategy: 
To help your child visualize while reading, try the following:
·        Share wordless picture books with your child. Have your child create a story of what is happening.
·        When reading aloud, stop often to describe the picture you have in your mind.
·        After reading time at home, have your child draw what they see in their mind.
·        As they read, have them make a movie in their head. Then transfer the scenes to paper.
·        Have them describe their five senses. After reading, ask them what sounds, tastes, and touch images they felt while reading the text.
·        Another way of talking about visualizing is to talk about creating a “mental picture”. As they read, ask them to talk about what their mental picture looks like.

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