Words to Live By

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney

Photo Session Giveaway

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January Slump

This time of year can be difficult for everyone. At this time in my life, I am seriously considering a move to a warmer climate (which might be anywhere else in the world but here), a long vacation yesterday, giving up on getting dressed everyday and just going to work in my sweats and snow boots and for sure eating all the comfort food I can get my hands on.
Okay, besides the fact that it is cold and wet outside and I don't have a long vacation in front of me for some time, this time of year is great for starting projects, getting a handle on all the things I don't have a handle on, and organizing that closet I try to forget exists in my house. I have a huge lists of things to do the next month or so and I plan on getting through some of it. One of the things on this list....start this blog! Super, great, check!